By: Eugene J. Ralph
After weeks of watching the U.S. House Republicans demonstrate to the world how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, I only wonder how many of you are as disgusted as I am right now. Many of us have known since last November that the leadership of John Boehner would be questionable at best, but now he has proven just how spineless he is. He has allowed Obama and Reid to lambast him into submission and pass another piece of legislation without even considering the Cut, Cap, and Balance Bill. Both Boehner and Cantor are indeed a freak of nature. I'm amazed how they stand and give all those speeches, because they have no spine.
I realize there may be some of you who do not agree, and if so, I ask you to consider, if not now, then WHEN should we expect the Republicans to actually stand for something. When Clinton was in office, we were told that we needed a Republican President. G.W. Bush got elected, and for 4 years (2002-2006), the republicans controlled Washington, yet we lost ground on the social issues, Planned Parenthood continued receiving tax dollars, an open homosexual was appointed as Aids Czar, they sold us out on Constitutional issues like the Patriot Act, and Campaign Finance Reform, wouldn't stand firm on the appointment of the BEST nominees for Federal Judgeship's, (remember the "gang of 14" judicial compromise) while they told us that big government run by republicans was a good thing. And of course we can't forget how Bush tried to give us Harriet Myers before nominating John Roberts to the Supreme Court. With rare exception, have you noticed how republicans fall all over themselves voting for Obamas' Judicial nominees? Need I go on?
We were told several months ago to wait until the debt ceiling debate before we would hold Obama to account fiscally. Of course that was after we watched the 100B $ budget cut turn to 380M. Now we get more excuses as to why they can't get the job done. That's right, they only control the house. Maybe they need to take notes from the democrats, and learn how to govern from the minority. Tom Daschle managed to govern pretty well from the minority from 2000-2002.
Many of you are aware of the other very serious issues that need to be dealt with as they come up for debate (i.e. Illegal Immigration, The advancement of the Abortion and Homosexual Agenda, 2nd Amendment issues and the repeal of Obama care to name a few). My question is, do you really trust the republican leadership to make a worthwhile case to the American public on the issues WE care so much about? It doesn't seem to matter what level of government it is, the republican leadership (i.e. Strauss, Perry, Boehner, McConnell, Cantor) is always playing games to try to hoodwink the conservative electorate.
I realize that this fight is a marathon, but we need some kind of real progress to show that we're moving in the right direction. I only hope that you're as fed up as I am, and you're keeping score because it is more obvious to me every day, that unless Patriotic Americans get fed up with these bunch of spineless wimps at every level of government, that talk so strong when it's election time and can't be heard from when it's crunch time, and primary their butts out of office next year with more Constitution loving Tea Party minded candidates, this nation is doomed.
God bless,
Eugene Ralph
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