Dear lovers of freedom,
I first sent this information out in January 2012. Since then, I regretfully admit that in spite of our efforts, America has moved harder and faster in the wrong direction. I realize that many are now trying to figure out how to move forward, so it is important to remember who the culprits are. Many of those who have sold us out in one way or another will give lame excuses for their misdeeds.
Since the 2010 elections, many of the Tea Party candidates in Congress have been either co-opted or silenced. Allen West was written out of his district by republicans. (In spite of his many good stands on issues, West also vote for the NDAA)
The establishment players in the republican party at all levels has proven to be worthless as a formidable opponent of the left, but effective at neutralizing those who promote the idea of constitutional government.
These people must be recognized for who they are. They are not our friends. They are our adversaries. Unless we deal with them accordingly, much of this noble effort is nothing more than a waste of time.The time has long passed for us to play party politics. The party continues to demonstrate that we (conservatives) are nothing more than their mistresses. They court our votes, but they don't want to be seen in public with us.There are those who would like to convince us that we can adhere to the tenets of the U.S.Constitution while ignoring what the Bible says about how we should live and govern. Not so. It is precisely because of the abandonment of Biblical principle throughout American society that we find ourselves in the mess that we are in.
Consider these words as plans are made for moving forward.
Benjamin Rush (Signer of the Declaration): "Without the constraints of religion and social worship, men become savages".
Ben Franklin: "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."
James McHenry (Signer of the Constitution): "The Holy Scriptures can alone secure to society, order and peace, and to our courts of justice and constitutions of government purity, stability, and usefulness. Bibles are strong protections, where they abound, men cannot practice wickedness."
I'm not impressed with politicians, but I can be impressed with their voting records and their convictions when they stand firm on them.
All elected officials, especially those who like to refer to themselves as "conservative" need to be held accountable. The time is overdue. Excuses for bad decisions can no longer be tolerated. Considering the ground that we have lost, as well as what we stand to lose in the near future, if you are in this fight, compromise of principle cannot be a consideration. Winning is the only option.
I first sent this information out in January 2012. Since then, I regretfully admit that in spite of our efforts, America has moved harder and faster in the wrong direction. I realize that many are now trying to figure out how to move forward, so it is important to remember who the culprits are. Many of those who have sold us out in one way or another will give lame excuses for their misdeeds.
Since the 2010 elections, many of the Tea Party candidates in Congress have been either co-opted or silenced. Allen West was written out of his district by republicans. (In spite of his many good stands on issues, West also vote for the NDAA)
The establishment players in the republican party at all levels has proven to be worthless as a formidable opponent of the left, but effective at neutralizing those who promote the idea of constitutional government.
These people must be recognized for who they are. They are not our friends. They are our adversaries. Unless we deal with them accordingly, much of this noble effort is nothing more than a waste of time.The time has long passed for us to play party politics. The party continues to demonstrate that we (conservatives) are nothing more than their mistresses. They court our votes, but they don't want to be seen in public with us.There are those who would like to convince us that we can adhere to the tenets of the U.S.Constitution while ignoring what the Bible says about how we should live and govern. Not so. It is precisely because of the abandonment of Biblical principle throughout American society that we find ourselves in the mess that we are in.
Consider these words as plans are made for moving forward.
Benjamin Rush (Signer of the Declaration): "Without the constraints of religion and social worship, men become savages".
Ben Franklin: "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."
James McHenry (Signer of the Constitution): "The Holy Scriptures can alone secure to society, order and peace, and to our courts of justice and constitutions of government purity, stability, and usefulness. Bibles are strong protections, where they abound, men cannot practice wickedness."
I'm not impressed with politicians, but I can be impressed with their voting records and their convictions when they stand firm on them.
All elected officials, especially those who like to refer to themselves as "conservative" need to be held accountable. The time is overdue. Excuses for bad decisions can no longer be tolerated. Considering the ground that we have lost, as well as what we stand to lose in the near future, if you are in this fight, compromise of principle cannot be a consideration. Winning is the only option.
Federal Government Takes Final Step to Suspend Constitution
Here is the breakdown of constitutional sellouts.
Say what you want about Ron Paul. He understands the nature of our problem. What good is it to defend against Iran or anywhere else, when Americans are not free.
Eugene Ralph
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