Tuesday, December 6, 2011


   Several days ago, while listening to the radio, there was a discussion about a public school official telling the students all of the things that they can't do to celebrate the Christmas season. One host asked the other, how do they do that? My answer is because we allow it.
   When the average person finds out about Christmas celebration bans in their child's school, they have an initial reaction, then they go on with life as normal. Often there is not enough concern to find out which public official supports banning Christmas celebrations, or who supports / promotes political correctness.
   Unless Principled Conservatives are willing to draw a line in the sand, and  Americans continue to allow the warped thinking of certain elected officials, judges, and those promoting an anti-American agenda to succeed, these things will continue to happen.
   A couple of weeks ago the Christmas shopping season began and several retailers announced that they were opening on Thanksgiving night. Many so-called fiscal  conservatives see nothing wrong with the steady encroachment of commercialism into a holiday that is highly regarded as "a time for family." After all, it's all about the money, right? All too often, those of us who claim to have values, compromise them for expediency. Do you ever consider the irony of  a horrible economy with people trampling and pepper spraying each other to buy things that they don't need on credit?  I can understand some people not getting this, but we have so-called conservatives defending this foolishness.
   If this nation is to survive, at some point Constitutional Conservatives, and those who know and understand the truth of Holy Scripture must draw a line in the sand and say, NO MORE.
  How long will we tolerate the lies of those who would tell us that everything Christian is a violation of "the separation of church and state"  while we subsidize Islam, Wicca, and pornography/sex education in the public schools?  We not only need to elect people with the right positions, me must elect those who are willing to stand firm on their convictions and fight against the enemies of Truth and Freedom.
  Throughout this political season, we've had several Republican Presidential candidates come to the forefront for a while and fizzle out, but Mitt Romney has been a constant. As I've commented before, Mitt Romney is not a conservative, and I believe would be very dangerous to the survival of this nation. If he gets elected, I pray that I'm wrong.  And then there's Mr. Newt.
  I listen to those who make the argument that we have to get rid of Obama, and strongly I agree. So considering  that, my first question to my like minded friends is, What will you do if /when Romney doesn't defend life, or marriage,(same-sex marriage did become law in Mass. while Romney was Governor) or even worse, if /when he joins the opposition?
   What is Romneys' position on the promotion of Islam in the public schools. Will he stand with conservatives, or will he stand with those who promote Islam?  Will he continue to fund the N.E.A? Will he defend your 2nd Amendment rights? Will he continue to advance "patriot act" legislation that violates the 4th Amendment right to privacy? He has already said he supports "Cap and Trade" legislation. He double talks on his position of energy independence with his support of "Green Energy" policy.  He says he'll reverse obamacare, do you believe him? He says he'll protect the border, do you believe him? What about Judicial Nominees?
   And then there's Gingrich, who I believe is with us on the social issues, but how committed is he? Will he fight against the advancement of the homosexual agenda, or will he stab us in the back like G.W Bush did?  He was for "Cap and Trade" before he was against it. He supports an individual mandate for healthcare, but he's against obamacare. (LOL) He was for amnesty before he was against it and now he's for it again. Where is Newt Gingrich on the abuse of "Eminent Domain" policy, or reigning in the expansion of  U.N Policy.
   I only pose these questions to help you consider what we're up against. Regardless of what they say, Romney and Gingrich are not friends of  Principled Conservatives. Actions speak louder than words. The Republican establishment constantly give us these sorry choices and act as if there is something wrong with us if we point out the flaws, yet they consistently work against our choices, sometimes even sabotaging them. (Remember Sharon Angle and Christine O'Donnell)
   I could go on, but you get the point. If we stand for nothing, we fall for anything. We can complain and rally about the problems, but if things continue on in the wrong direction, there may come a time to draw that line. I pray that day doesn't come here in America, but if it does, the question you need to ponder is, where will you stand?

God Bless,
Eugene Ralph