Thursday, November 15, 2012

NDAA - Remember the record of the Sellouts - Very Disturbing

Dear lovers of freedom,

I first sent this information out in January 2012. Since then, I regretfully admit that in spite of our efforts, America has moved harder and faster in the wrong direction. I realize that many are now trying to figure out how to move forward, so it is important to remember who the culprits are. Many of those who have sold us out in one way or another will give lame excuses for their misdeeds.
Since the 2010 elections, many of the Tea Party candidates in Congress have been either co-opted or silenced. Allen West was written out of his district by republicans. (In spite of his many good stands on issues, West also vote for the NDAA)
The establishment players in the republican party at all levels has proven to be worthless as a formidable opponent of the left, but effective at neutralizing those who promote the idea of constitutional government.
These people must be recognized for who they are. They are not our friends. They are our adversaries. Unless we deal with them accordingly, much of this noble effort is nothing more than a waste of time.The time has long passed for us to play party politics. The party continues to demonstrate that we (conservatives) are nothing more than their mistresses. They court our votes, but they don't want to be seen in public with us.
There are those who would like to convince us that we can adhere to the tenets of the U.S.Constitution while ignoring what the Bible says about how we should live and govern. Not so. It is precisely because of the abandonment of Biblical principle throughout American society that we find ourselves in the mess that we are in.
Consider these words as plans are made for moving forward.
Benjamin Rush (Signer of the Declaration): "Without the constraints of religion and social worship, men become savages".

Ben Franklin: "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters."

James McHenry
(Signer of the Constitution): "The Holy Scriptures can alone secure to society, order and peace, and to our courts of justice and constitutions of government purity, stability, and usefulness. Bibles are strong protections, where they abound, men cannot practice wickedness."

I'm not impressed with politicians, but I can be impressed with their voting records and their convictions when they stand firm on them.
All elected officials, especially those who like to refer to themselves as "conservative" need to be held accountable. The time is overdue. Excuses for bad decisions can no longer be tolerated. Considering the ground that we have lost, as well as what we stand to lose in the near future, if you are in this fight, compromise of principle cannot be a consideration. Winning is the only option.

                       Federal Government Takes Final Step to Suspend Constitution

            Here is the breakdown of constitutional sellouts.

     Say what you want  about Ron Paul. He understands the nature of our problem. What good is it to defend against Iran or anywhere else, when Americans are not free.

Eugene Ralph

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Same Sex Marriage, How Far We've Come

   No matter to how you slice it, TRUE conservatives don't support the homosexual agenda in ANY form. As a matter of fact, regardless of political persuasion, those who support decency and morality do not  support the Homosexual Agenda. Although same-sex marriage is the topic of discussion right now, it is unfortunate that many Americans are not aware of, nor have considered the endless ramifications to society as a result of the gradual acceptance the this perverted lifestyle as a societal norm.
    Dick Cheney is probably the most famous Republican who comes down wrong on this issue. Because he is classified as a conservative, many democrats/liberals like to use him as an example of why we should accept the normalization of the homosexual lifestyle.
    Mitt Romney now claims to be in favor of "traditional marriage" although same-sex marriage became law in Mass. while he was governor, and he recently appointed an open homosexual as a spokesperson for his campaign. TRUE conservatives may compromise on some issues, but in order to be qualified to wear ANY title, a standard must be upheld. On issues such as this, we have already allowed too much compromise, none of which should have ever happened. Many of us are defined as conservatives because of our positions on issues. Even within the definition of "conservative"  there exists sub-categories, and there is a consistent effort to blur the lines by those who don't want to admit that standards are necessary. What must be acknowledged as well as fought for vigorously, are standards of morality and decency in the general society. The standard of measure that has lasted through time are the precepts and principles of the Holy Bible. The opposition will say this is intolerant and bigoted, but ABSOLUTE TRUTH does not change. As well, those of us who believe in ABSOLUTE TRUTH must remain undeterred by name calling or threats.
   For a number of years, I and many others have warned of a time like this one, where those of us who believe in decency and morality would come under attack for simply trying to uphold standards that have throughout history been understood as true, and right.
   The debate of special rights for homosexuals began to rage at the beginning of Bill Clinton's 1st term. It was shortly before the 1992 elections when I first began to hear of this debate taking place. Many on the right were warning back then that if we accepted ANY normalization of the homosexual lifestyle in society,  the homosexual lobby would eventually push for same-sex marriage. At that time, the homosexual lobby claimed to only want fair treatment for its' constituency, and to be allowed to come out of the closet without being discriminated  against. In the 1990's, the position of  conservatives was that the practice of the homosexual lifestyle was a deviant behavior. As a result of continuous compromise, the debate has become what it is today. With the exception of those giving the warning, most people doubted that America would ever get to a point where we are discussing the idea of whether or not we should allow same-sex couples to marry, and many of those same people would never have believed that there would eventually be such an aggressive attempt to convince society that those who disagree with the promotion of this perversion are hate-filled  homophobic bigots, but this is how far we have come.
   Within the past 20 years,  homosexual lobby organizations like GLAAD (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, and GLSEN (Gay,Lesbian, and Straight Education Network) have infiltrated the public schools systems across this country, and have succeeded in perverting the thinking of  this generation with the support of many elected officials on the local and state levels, including the NEA (National Education Association) and those working at the administrative level  in the public school systems. In some cases NAMBLA (the North American Man, Boy, Love Association) whose motto is "Sex by 8, or it's too late"has even had an influence on those promoting policies that are considered 'friendly' to the homosexual lobby. The sad reality is that many parents have no idea of the sexual deviancy that is being promoted to their children in the public schools through the curriculum. Some sex education classes have included explicit discussions on subjects such as masturbation, oral sex, how-to classes on condom use, and fisting.
   While many of these promoters of perversion would attempt to convince us that this is simply about allowing people to live their lives with dignity, the simple truth is, even if society fully accepted homosexuality as normal, these people would never feel satisfied. Many of those who are caught up in this lifestyle are confused, and often were victims themselves of some type of sexual perversion earlier in their lives. These people need healing and restoration, which can only come when one surrenders their heart to the Lord Jesus Christ. Since this utterance of Truth is politically incorrect, it has become nearly impossible to say this in the public square without getting shouted down by the opposition.
   I admit that I am not only disgusted by the promoters of this perversion, I am also disgusted by the lack of backbone by those who should be standing for decency and morality. In pulpits across America, each week so-called 'Men of God' remain silent on this issue, some out of ignorance, and some out of fear of persecution by the opposition. The rest of these so-called preachers are nothing other than pulpit pimps and  are fleecing the flock, whereas their only concern is for their bank accounts and their ministerial kingdoms. The truth of God's Word takes a back seat if it has any place at all in these edifices they call places of worship. 
    To stand for decency does not mean that one supports the maltreatment of homosexuals or anyone else, but it does mean that in American Society there are certain norms that exist. I and many others have issued this warning before and I'll do it again, "God is not mocked, Whatever man sows, he SHALL also reap." I take no pleasure in making statements like this. My great concern is for America and what we are becoming as we destroy ourselves from within. America is rotting at its' core. It is easy for some to cast off all that I am saying as hate speech, or exaggeration. All I ask you to do is consider where we were 20 years ago on this and other cultural issues, and look at where we are today, then ask yourself the question. What do you think America will look like if we survive another 20 years?

Eugene Ralph

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lord Help Us

   It is interesting as well as disheartening to see so many people focused on the most trivial of issues as this election season heats up. 
   The democrat leaders are crying racism because states are passing Voter ID laws, claiming Newt Gingrich is a racist because of a couple of statements that he made, and demonizing Mitt Romney because he's rich. Republican leaders on the other hand are arguing about who criticized who. These are the guys that can't shoot straight. 
   While all of this foolishness is going on, the republican led house teamed up with the democrat led senate to finalize the abandoning of the US Constitution with the passing of the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act), , the president continues to work towards his goal of keeping the US dependent on foreign oil by rejecting the construction of the Canadian oil pipeline, and the  republicans signed on to give the president the OK to raise the debt limit another 1.2 trillion dollars.  Is this a bad joke or what?
   I listen to the talk shows with people calling in supporting their preferred presidential candidate while rarely considering where those candidates stand on the most crucial issues of this time. I don't know how to say this any other way.  IF WE DON'T GET THAT MARXIST OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE AND REPLACE HIM WITH SOMEONE WHO RESPECTS THE CONSTITUTION (NOT ROMNEY), WE ARE DOOMED
   For those of you who would like to fool yourself into believing Romney or Obama is good for this country, go right ahead. I'm simply trying to make you aware of what's coming. The handwriting has been on the wall for quite some time. I'm just amazed that so many "intelligent" people never learned to read.
If you have never seriously prayed for this nation before, I ask that you do so now.

Lord help us,
Eugene Ralph