Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Tea Party, Don't be hoodwinked

    As I listen to this continuous pap from these so-called conservative talking heads, I see what is shaping up to be another loss to true conservatives as many of them allow themselves to be hoodwinked by the republican establishment. The republican talking heads continue to complain as if the present field of republican presidential candidates are not suitable for the nomination.They act as if they don't believe that they are capable of beating Obama. They continue to throw out names like Paul Ryan or Chris Cristie as people they would like to see enter the race. Cristie has already made a bad choice in his New Jersey Supreme court appointment and at best is a political moderate, and Ryan has said he's not interested.
    I find it interesting that when republicans are out of power, the talking heads get so conservative, but when given an opportunity to elect one, they always choose a RINO. Do you find it interesting that even after  Michelle Bachmann won the Iowa straw poll, she has taken a back seat  to Rick Perry in the minds of the so-called right wing media? Isn't it interesting that Perry chose to announce his candidacy in S.Carolina on the day of the Iowa straw poll in which Bachmann was expected to win. Most Texans know that Rick Perry is only a conservative at election time, although he's been acting and talking conservative for a while because he's obviously been planning this  presidential run for some time. Four years ago, these same people were heavily promoting Mitt Romney and we all know what a strong conservative he is (LOL). 
    And what about Rick Santorum? Rush Limbaugh has said for years that the Republican party needs someone who can articulate the message. Santorum can articulate the conservative message better than most, and he does it with conviction. He makes his case based on historical facts, and it doesn't take much to be inspired his message, if one is willing to listen.
   Say what you want about Michelle Bachmann, she's fearless, she has convictions, and she can articulate the message. I've watched Bachmann and Santorum for years. They are the real deal. It will be a fight to the finish if TRUE constitutional conservatives are going to win in the end. The talking heads will need to be ignored in most cases, and we will have to stand on our convictions.
   I've heard some conservatives say that a Romney or a Perry will be so much of an improvement over Obama, that we could live with the disagreements. Really? How many times must we go down this road? Romney is a flip-flopping liar that can't be trusted on any issue that matters to constitutional conservatives, and so is Perry. Remember Perrys' support for the Trans-national corridor, Gardasil , and his flip-flop on illegal immigration after one of his previous re-election victories?  Yes, they are better than Obama, but that's not saying much. We wanted somebody better than Gore, so we ran to G.W. Bush and we ended up here. Tax cuts that expire, nation building in Iraq and Afganistan, an expansion of the Dept. of Education (No Child Left Behind), Border Wars, and the continuous expansion of the Abortion and Homosexual Agendas, and we continue to fund Planned Parenthood. 
   The real question is, did we progress? Did the ideals of constitutional conservative government advance or regress under 8 years of Bush? The honest answer is they regressed. Now we so desperately want somebody other than Obama, we're being told that we have to settle for either a liberal establishment republican posing as a moderate, or a moderate establishment republican posing as a "Tea Party" conservative.
  As we ponder these candidates, just remember the definition of insanity (to keep doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result). The Republican establishment only wants you to think about fiscal issues, but there are many other issues to be concerned about that can't be ignored, and can no longer be compromised on.

* We had this great debate about whether or not the gov't can constitutionally mandate individual Americans to purchase healthcare. Rick Perry attempted to mandate gardasil vaccines for 11 year old girls in TX public schools.

* Rick Perry tries to align himself with the tea party and says he supports securing the border, but he's soft on illegal immigration and supports in-state tuition for the children of illegal aliens.

* Rick Perry and Bush supported the Trans-Texas corridor which would have virtually erased the border between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada in order to create the Security, & Prosperity, Partnership.(see below)

In 2006, CNN anchor Lou Dobbs argued that the SPP was part of a plan to merge the United States, Canada, and Mexico into a North American Union similar to the European Union,[12]. Dobbs claimed at the time that US President Bush, who left office on January 20, 2009, was to have bypassed Congress and ultimately create a Union based on a Texas highway corridor.[13] One variation of this theory was that President Bush would declare a state of emergency to avoid leaving office, which, in fact, never came about; on January 20, 2009, his successor, Barack Obama, who had openly voiced misgivings about NAFTA, the predecessor to SPP, let alone SPP itself, took office as US President, but his anti-NAFTA views soon disappeared from his public persona.

"What differentiates the SPP from other security and trade agreements is that it is not subject to Congressional oversight or approval. The SPP establishes a corporate/government bureaucracy for implementation that excludes civil society participation. ... Facing a worrisome pact pushed forward in secrecy, it is time for Congress to halt this undemocratic approach and establish a process based on openness, accountability, and the participation of civil society.

On February 4, 2011, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and US President Barack Obama announced a new security and prosperity initiative. In it they planned to "to pursue a perimeter approach to security"[24] "in ways that support economic competitiveness, job creation, and prosperity"[24].
On March 13, 2011, the Canadian government announced it was beginning a five week consultation process "with all levels of government and with communities, non-governmental organizations and the private sector, as well as with our citizens"[25] on the implementation of the shared vision for perimeter security and economic competitiveness."

As you can see this fight continues on. So just how conservative is Rick Perry? Not very.

As for Mitt Romney, he says he doesn't support for the country, that which he supported (mandated healthcare) for the state that he governed. Isn't that the opposite position most former governors take? He was for abortion and gun control  before he was against them. I won't waste a lot of time on this guy. You should know Romney is worthless.

My whole point in all of this is, in order to get all of the things that a constitutional conservative government brings, we must elect TRUE constitutional conservatives to office or else this whole exercise is futile. All to often the republican establishment boils everything down to dollars and cents. If this is all that matters to you, then ignore the other realities, but if you love America, weigh them carefully, issue by issue, and what you'll find is that, on the more serious constitutional issues, rhetoric aside, Obama, and Romney are too close for comfort, and Perry is not far behind.

Eugene Ralph

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